Saturday, October 9, 2010

Forums on BJDs

I already said that I was thinking of joining den of angels. It's one of the biggest forums in the United States on BJDs. There are two problems though. One, it costs five dollars to join. Now, I know five dollars isn't much, but this is an expensive hobby and that's five dollars that can go to shoes, or hair, or any of those things that I have yet to buy for this doll. The second problem is that den of angels doesn't consider the Hujoo doll a BJD.

Here's the criteria for a BJD according to them. My Hujoo doll does not fall into this category, since it is made from ABS plastic. So any post I would make about my doll would be deleted. I know this because I joined another forum and saw a few people writing that they had their posts deleted on den of angels whenever they brought up Hujoos.

So, I found a different forum, one that did not cost anything to sign up for. It is Chicago Dolls, and they have a lot of really good information. Granted, I'm not from the Chicago area, still they have good advice and are a lot more relaxed on the definition of BJDs.

I already got some advice, after signing up yesterday, to join another forum, that I had heard about somewhere but just barely remembered. I was told to check out Dairyland BJD. It's a forum for BJD lovers from the midwest. Once again not my region, but still a place I hope to get good advice, and interaction with people with a similar hobby.

I am still waiting on my registration to activate with Dairyland, but hopefully by the time my doll gets here, I'll be ready to tackle the face up. :)

The only real downside to these forums is the fact that they are physically so far from where I am located, so I miss out on things like meetups and group orders. Oh well, for now. For the time being I am enjoying having other people to talk to about these awesome dolls.

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